Sigma FP / FP L - Orange and Teal Color Mode Review
Every time I use a new Color Mode on my Sigma FP, it becomes my new favorite! Really… Sigma colors are genuinely impressive.
This is my 5th or 6th article reviewing the Color Modes on the Sigma FP and FP L cameras. These cameras feature 15+ color modes which can be used when shooting JPEG and video. Previously, I reviewed “Warm Gold,” “Powder Blue,” “MonoChrome” and “FOV Classic Yellow” all of which I really enjoyed. This article is my take on Sigma’s Orange and Teal (O&T) offering.
Review of Sigma FP Orange and Teal (O&T) Color Mode
Orange and Teal was all the rage a few years ago, every YouTuber, cinematographer, and photographer was filling their Instagram full of orange and teal content. But the world eventually burned out on the color scheme, and its a lot less common in the creative space today, it’s become almost cliché. For that reason, I wasn’t in a hurry to use the O&T Color Mode on my Sigma FP. A few months back, I saw a short review from another photographer and the sample images were unpleasantly oversaturated. They were VERY O&T. The kind of O&T that drove the look out of fashion back in 2018.
Well, I don’t know what changed, but something changed. I’m not sure if Sigma updated the profile or if the reviewer used his worst sample shots. What I do know is that I spent the last week photographing with Sigma’s Orange and Teal Color Mode and its one of the best looking color profiles out of any camera I’ve ever tested!
Seriously! It’s gorgeous.
All the photos in this review are straight-out-of-camera JPEGs, the colors have not been edited in any way. These opinions are my own and they were not influenced by the manufacturer in any way. I purchased all my gear with my own money.
To me, one of the best parts of this Color Mode is that it doesn’t scream Teal and Orange. There is no denying it highlights the cool blues and warm oranges, but its a tasteful approach to the classic color combo.
Considering most of these photos were taken under a blanket of grey clouds, I’m even more impressed. The weather this week hasn’t been ideal, but my keeper rate still increased because the O&T profile performs in all conditions.
I can absolutely recommend this Color Mode for artistic use and as an everyday look. Take a look at the sample photos and form your own opinion.
If you haven’t checked out my other Sigma Color Mode reviews:
Sample Images from Sigma FP using Orange and Teal Color Mode
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